Is Your AC Compressor Noisy? Find Out Why


Most modern AC units integrate sound dampening technology in their function for a silent operation. Although you will hear a relatively low squeal upon starting up or a low steady hum, these sounds should not translate into loud and disruptive noises. Thus, when you hear exceptionally loud sounds, it is wise to employ the services of an AC technician. They will diagnose your cooling unit and remedy the cause of the noises to prevent a system breakdown. Read on the following reasons to find out why your compressor is noisy.

Banging or Rattling Noises

Over time, the parts of a compressor will wear out due to age-related deterioration and the constant vibration of the outdoor unit. This results in the components loosening from their positions, such as support springs or screws, producing a rattling sound as the AC operates. If neglected, these noises can escalate to a compressor breakdown, which may require a replacement. Therefore, you should engage an AC repair contractor to fasten the loose parts and replace the broken ones to prevent further damage.

Clicking Noises

If you hear clicking noises from your AC as it is starting up and shutting down, your compressor could be failing. This is due to debris lodging in the fan and obstructing the blades. As a result, the debris will misalign the fan blades, causing them to hit against the fan's casing. Alternatively, if the fan wears out and becomes loose, it may cause a clicking noise as it attempts to rotate. Thus, you should contact an AC professional to align the blades back into position, optimize the fan, and clear debris for effective rotation.

Humming Noises

You will hear a humming noise from the AC when an electrical issue occurs. This is due to electrical connections wearing out over time, short circuits, or power surges, resulting in exposed and frayed wires and blown-up capacitors. Additionally, the faulty fan motor will hum as it attempts to rotate the fan. Hiring an AC repair specialist is vital to ensure they reassemble the electrical connections, fasten them, and replace the defective components for proper current flow.

Hissing Noises

A high-pitched hissing noise indicates a refrigerant leak. This is due to the lines degrading and developing holes, which produce a hissing noise as the refrigerant leaks. Consequently, you will experience high-pressure suction as the compressor cannot pump the needed refrigerant to the evaporator for heat absorption. Since inhalation of the refrigerant in high concentrations is poisonous, you must call an AC repairer to patch the line set and recharge the refrigerant for peak cooling power.

A noisy compressor is not only disruptive but also indicates an underlying malfunction. Thus, it is important to schedule an appointment with an AC expert to service your system for peak efficiency and performance.

Contact an AC repair contractor to learn more. 


23 August 2022

Cool off Your AC Bill

Every summer, I agonized over energy bills that would shoot into the stratosphere as a result of my efforts to keep cool in the heat. Every time I turned the temperature down, my bills increased. This summer, I decided to take some of the control over my energy bill back. I installed reflective film on my windows that reduced the amount of light and heat coming into the house. I started serving more cold meals or asking my husband to barbecue outside, so that my air conditioner didn't have to compete with the hot stove, and I started doing laundry at night to reduce appliance heat in the house at peak times. I also had ceiling fans installed. So far, the difference in my bill has been tremendous. This blog is a way for me to explore other ways to reduce energy drain during the summer months.