The Homeowner's Guide to Furnaces: Five Types to Warm Up Your Space


When it comes to home heating, selecting the right furnace is a significant decision for any homeowner. Each type of furnace comes with its own features, efficiency ratings, and installation requirements. Therefore, exploring your options is crucial to ensuring you make the best choice for your home.

Gas Furnaces: A Reliable Classic

Gas furnaces have long been the workhorse of home heating, known for their reliability and significant energy efficiency improvements over the years. They work by burning natural gas in a combustion chamber and distributing the heat through your home using a blower. While installation can be more complicated in homes without existing gas lines, these systems are generally cost-effective and perform well in cold climates.

Electric Furnaces: Simple and Efficient

Electric furnaces are often the go-to for homes that lack the infrastructure for a gas system. These furnaces use electric-powered heating elements to produce warm air, making them safer and cleaner than gas alternatives. Electric systems also tend to be smaller, so they can fit into tighter spaces, and they are generally easier to install and maintain.

Oil Furnaces: A Robust Solution

For those living in areas with limited access to natural gas, oil furnaces are a popular choice. These systems burn oil (often stored on-site in a large tank) to produce heat, which is then circulated throughout the home. Oil furnaces are typically more powerful than their gas and electric counterparts, making them a great option for larger homes or less temperate climates.

Dual Fuel or Hybrid Systems: Best of Both Worlds

Hybrid furnaces, referred to as dual fuel systems, blend the effectiveness of a heat pump with a gas or oil furnace to provide supplementary heat when needed. They automatically switch between the two based on the outdoor temperature, utilizing the heat pump's electricity savings until it's too cold, then moving to gas or oil as the primary heating source. Hybrid systems can provide significant energy savings in areas with fluctuating climates.

Geothermal Heat Pumps: The Eco-Friendly Choice

Geothermal heat pumps take a more futuristic approach to heating by harnessing the Earth's consistent temperature. While the upfront cost can be high, geothermal systems are incredibly energy-efficient and have a long lifespan. They can also be used for heating and cooling, making them a comprehensive climate control solution for environmentally conscious homeowners.

Selecting the right furnace system is a big step in ensuring your home is equipped for the winter season. It's not just about staying warm – it's about making wise investments in your home comfort and energy consumption.

Learn more about home furnace installations today.


4 April 2024

Cool off Your AC Bill

Every summer, I agonized over energy bills that would shoot into the stratosphere as a result of my efforts to keep cool in the heat. Every time I turned the temperature down, my bills increased. This summer, I decided to take some of the control over my energy bill back. I installed reflective film on my windows that reduced the amount of light and heat coming into the house. I started serving more cold meals or asking my husband to barbecue outside, so that my air conditioner didn't have to compete with the hot stove, and I started doing laundry at night to reduce appliance heat in the house at peak times. I also had ceiling fans installed. So far, the difference in my bill has been tremendous. This blog is a way for me to explore other ways to reduce energy drain during the summer months.